December 2015 – Three Kings Yard
December is upon us, and Christmas is coming and we have a nativity Mews for you this Month.
Three Kings Yard (note: we could have also gone with Shepherd Street or King’s Mews but settled on Three King’s Yard as it is one of the more impressive examples of architecture and has a rich history.
Three Kings Yard is an Original/ Surviving Mews courtyard off Davies Street in Westminster, opposite Brook’s Mews. The yard contains about 6 properties mainly used to house different embassies. The name of the Mews comes from a pub that used to be at the entrance to the yard. See more info on the yard here.
Whatever your religion, whether you say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas or nothing at all – have a great December, a wonderful new year and if you’re in London, go exploring and discover some Merry Mewsings before the year is up.